Friday, February 18, 2011

callin me sugar.

seems like I should work on keeping this updated more often. life has gotten kinda freaking crazy though. you know? the days where I leave at five thirty and don't get back until after ten at night are my favorite. not ONLY because I'm crazy, but I love having so much going on in a day.

I LOVEEE my job. SO much. I can't even fully describe it. It's very low-key, even though there is so much to do. I have only gone one day so far without seeing someone I know. David Squire, my FHE bro from Winter semester last year. Ricky Andreason. Shavonne Fielding. Jenessa's brother. Hilary Casperson. Jeff Dunn. There are more, I just can't recall them now. No kidding though, it's awesome. My coworkers, my boss, they're just fantastic. There are three coworkers who I feel like I know decently by now, and they're all super chill. Two are Polynesian, and one thinks he is because he served his mission in Australia with lots of Tongans. I'm not one to pop his bubble. The Polys are Tashina and Charl, and Nate is the other. They crack me uppp. Yesterday, Nate tried to clean a missionary's nametag (it had sticker on it?) and used the most powerful chemical we have. It's known for taking off TAR for goodness' sake. He sprays it, goes and gets a rag to get it off, and right after he wiped it he just pulled an "Oh. Crap." The poor missionary. It was so funny. The chemical took off ALL the paint. Luckily, he ordered a new one from the front desk. I could NOT stop laughing about it though.

This morning, my boss Merlene was talking to us about something spontaneous (that's pretty much normal for her) when a group of three elders came in with a box. Apparently, she knows one of their aunt's? anyways. She started talking about the aunt and her family with the one elder, and I kid you not, she talked herself into different tangents. She went from the family, to her homemade spaghetti, to homemade applesauce cake compared with normal, to Chile (where the elders were going on their missions) to Mexico and the warfare there, to 8 pairs of garments in the middle of the night. I still am not exactly sure what happened, but it was hilarious. I wish everyone knew her, so they could understand how she talks and get exactly how great it was. Tashina was hiding behind me so she wouldn't offend Merlene she was laughing so hard, Anna almost fell on the floor, and the poor elders were just standing there awkwardly in the doorway. It seriously made my entire day.

Oh, how I love being sore. I did some different things with my training yesterday, trying to improve more. I  might be able to run starting in April, and I want to do everything I can to get there. Goodness, though. Walking to work this morning was an adventure. Oh man, I swear work is the only place I come up with stories anymore. That's pretty much the entirety of my social interaction.

Minus Ethan! Does he count? I see him everyday to work on my setting and passing form (which the PT said was completely okay, don't you even worry). He's hilarious, and his photography has gotten super good. I don't know any real technical words for it, but he's dang good. And who knew, but he's way good at EVERYTHING he does. EMT trained, plays piano and violin, was 3rd in his state for breast stroke for swimming, danced hip hop for years, graduated high school as a college sophomore, and picked up photography only a year ago. Crazyness. I'm way proud of him though! He better call me later, or I will kick him. He has a wedding shoot today, or we would have already been setting. :)

Oh, and a few people in my ward, I suppose, too. I see Ben and Austin a bunch, usually. Austin was here for like three hours the other day, chillin and listening to me read microbiology out loud. I love that class! I always learn so much from it. It was hilarious that he was there for so long though. The Beatles were playing in the background, which is almost his favorite band, so that's what I attribute it to. That and he's trying to get me to see scary movies, because he found out that I've never really seen any. We watched Disturbia (kind of a lame movie, not scary at all) one weekend, and we watched The Others with Nicole Kidman last weekend. That one was really well done, I thought, but it wasn't necessarily scary. I slept just fine. There was a fantastic twist at the end that Ben and Austin both had to explain to me for a while after though. Once I got it it was good though!

Other interesting things? Not a lot. I'm tired a lot, because of work and the fact that I can somehow still NOT go to sleep before like midnight-thirty. I need to work on that. I fell asleep for an hour more than I was supposed to today after we did laundry, I was so exhausted. I'm so glad my mama called me! Not only because I luff her super much, and I miss her, but because she has the most brilliant timing in all the world. Whew. LIFESAVER mama.

I remembered something else! I signed my contract for my apartment for the next year! I'm kind of ridiculously excited. Here is the roommate line-up: Me, Meg, Heather, Ally, Kelly, Brittany. I LOVE these gurls. Heather is planning on leaving on a mission next Winter semester, so she won't really be staying the full year (CAN YOU BELIEVE WE'RE THAT OLD?!) but we will have plenty of shenanigans in the meantime. I mean, we will be completely productive.

Also. I think Heather and Meg and I (and potentially more... if more, the better! It will be MUCh cheaper the more people we get) are planning a trip to California this summer! Not sure when, it will depend on school and when I can get work off. But I am already going crazy without sun and sand, from Arizona. Seriously. I might die. I figure after six plus months of going straight on school, PT, and work, a Cali trip is completely acceptable. Plus, after seeing the beach, we might see other important people in Cali! Family? maybe. Still up in the air.

Another thing! Man, it's been a while. I never have this much to say at one time. I've decided to try hip-hop dancing! The low impact stuff, don't stress. I think it's time I try something a little different. I need to shake it up a little bit. Who knows, I might be a straight up natural gang-bangster! :)

Okay, that was it for now. I think.

No, it was.

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