Monday, November 15, 2010


Note to self: do not wait 11 days between chiropractor visits when you are trying a recovery path that is dependent on consistency.

Long wait = seriously dramatic adjustment, let me tell you. I think I cried half the way home, on a 2 and a half hour drive. That intense. There was good news too, though! My PT is getting more involved, and I get to start lifting very limited weights, with very specific exercises. Riding my bike, as of right now, is still a no. SO incredibly jealous of my madre, who just went on a ride today. I miss that bike. But Dr. Benson says to keep my back straight, no twisting, and work harder, and I should keep improving. 

Oh! Another thing. My dad's striping business, FMK Construction, LLC, is doing work on the Prescott Airport this week. Guess what that means? I will be spending a minimum of three days in a hotel in Prescott so that I can see the chiropractor every day. To be expected: resting and icing and studying for school and practicing guitar and anything else I can come up with to keep me busy in a hotel by myself. It will be grand. 

If you hear anything odd from me in the next few days, I blame it on being by myself. It makes me go .. hehe.. bonkers. 

p.s. -- OHMYAWESOME. I got three grants for going back to school Winter Semester! Huzzah for all of school's expenses being covered!

p.p.s -- Oh. Hold the awesome. I still can't register. Stinkin BYU. However, I do not let this daunt me. I'm going back, I'm going to be better, and I'm going to kick trash. Get back. 

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