Monday, November 29, 2010


Ah, how I love the sound of that. Sweat. Work. Effort. It's something that, as an invalid, you either forget or become more obsessed with overtime. I am most definitely the second. I look for ways to challenge myself, to make the next day a sore one. Soreness is earned. It is deserved. And it is glorious.

I definitely earned it today. I went to a Physical Therapist for the first time, and I can easily say it is exactly what I expected, in the most ebullient way possible. Mandy, the PT, said that it is my SI, the same thing that Ron the MT said. I take that as a good sign. Well, heat and electrotherapy and exercises and stretches later, and I'm happier than a clam. Seriously? Who decided a clam could be happy? I, on the other hand, got to do squats today! Low impact, sure, and limited resistance. But I got to do squats! AH!

The massage was super intense. Apparently the SI rotation of my right hip has put my back in a state of chronic spasm, meaning that all the muscles are contorted and tight in ways that they definitely should not be. Chronic spasm, crazy thought, right? But true. Elbows and hands and tears later, I was more loose. It will take a little while to get it less tight/spasmed, but action is being taken. And life is progressing.

Isn't it mahhvelous?

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