Monday, October 25, 2010


I went to the chiropractor today. It was such a blessing I got to go in, that there was an opening.
My mama let me drive, on the way there, and it was fantastic. I made little "vroom vroom" sounds as I passed people ( I had to drive fast , of course ), had dance parties with my brother, and made a two and a half hour drive cut down to a one and a half excursion of awesomeness.
Of course, every good thing has to end.
I just love my chiropractor, Dr. Benson. We all call him Doctor Brian, because we've known him for 8 ish years now. Forever, to say the least. He uses this technique that is seriously practiced nowhere else in the entire known universe. He's that awesome. Anyways, he adjusts me today (and no scary popping, or crying, or stoppage of breathing.. it's brilliant), and tells me news that I'm not sure I want to hear.

My L4 disc is tipped. Ironically, when my dad broke his back, it was his L4 vertebra. Coincidence.

I have yet to have an MRI. I don't know the entire extent of ridiculous torment I've placed on my poor L4 disc, but at the very least, it is swelling under an intense amount of compression and stress, a.k.a. a bulge. It is possibly torn, as well, but only an MRI will show that. As such, I'm restricted to walking, resting, ice, and a few exercises from PT. Oh, and jamming out on the guitar with my seester.

I started the rest of the day off with a collapse in a mall, a long drive home, another collapse on my floor in the living room, and an utter resignation. So I built an island, on the floor of my living room, that has been named Sparta by the one and only seester of mine in Utah. The floor turned into lava, according to my brother, so Island Sparta is protecting me today, it seems.

Oh, and I love my daddy. He wanted to talk to me while he was working for his striping company, so while he was outside stripping his stencils of the paint so he can make aluminum stencils for the airport, he had me sit down on a bucket next to him and peel paint off with my fingers. To give me something to do, and make me focus on a new pain. My fingers are raw, and it's a beautiful thing.

All in all, a good day. An informative one. And a blessed one. Looking forward to the next.

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