Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I'm racing the calendar, these days. T-minus twelve days until Christmas, seventeen days until January, twenty days until the semester starts. So much to do, so much to accomplish. The best thing about it, other than the glorious feeling of being busy and having a schedule, is I am. I'm succeeding, doing work, showing up the doctors, impressing the interns, and proving to everyone, including myself, how determined I can become.
My pain level is way down. A huge accomplishment, but I have still been quite restricted in my activity. I'm asking the PT a lot of questions tomorrow, including the inevitability of me returning in January. There are so many stairs to get up to campus. Each one a challenge. I know I can do it, I just need the chance. And the faith.

Oh, is life good.

In other news (I feel like I never include any of this in here, I need to.):

This is my siblings' last week of school, and their finals are today and tomorrow. Do you realize just how close twelve days is? Christmas is HERE. I love it. We put up our Christmas lights last night, and even if we were the last ones on our street to do so, they look fabulousss. Be jealous.

I've been swimming a bunch lately to improve my strength (and goodness knows I need to be more toned. I miss my P90X body!) in the freezing pool in my community. I swear it is about the temperature of an ice cube. Luke goes with me, with his little floaties, so he can jump in too. He loves the pool, it turns out, even with the ridiculous lack of warmth. He fell in yesterday, scared the poor kid. He couldn't get in again then. Today, tho, he was a studmuffin. He had to call me a pansy today and promise to jump in after me for me to be able to convince myself to jump in. He jumped in twice, even knowing how cold it would be! I've decided I need his bravery in Provo. Do you think my mama will let me bring him with me? (put in a good word. it could happen).

My mama ate the last of the cherry cordial Hershey's kisses today. That's right mom, I tattled.

And to end: Question. Can we plan a party for the weekend we all get back? :)

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